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Drop Off & Pick Up

Drop Off

Beginning on Friday, August 12th, all students will be dropped off at the front (Edgewater/Beach Park) or back gates (Polaris) and walk directly to class. Staff will be stationed around campus to support students getting to class, especially to support our youngest students. Please remember that we have over 70 staff members at FC school, and the parking lots are designated for our team. We appreciate you parking on the street, walking to school, or using our drop-off lanes in the mornings. Thank you!

Classrooms Open 10 minutes before start time for students to walk directly into class. 

Pick Up

TK/K- Pickup at classroom. Gate 3 will open around 12:30pm. Please exit the school immediately following pickup.

Grades 1-5 - Gates will open for pickup around 2:40pm. 1/2/3 dismissed at 2:40, 4/5 dismissed at 2:45pm.


Wednesday Reminder:  Every Wednesday, everyone will be dismissed at 12:30.